Metadata sells books Every time you go online to buy a book, you see metadata. Almost everything you see, is metadata. Continue Reading Popular We were present at the V Congress of Dyslexia and other AEDs On October 21 and 22 we were present at the V Congress of Dyslexia and other ASD, accompanying DISFAM The twilight of obsolescence, the dawn of bibliodiversity Being in the right place at the right time became a challenge of high first print runs and immobilized stocks. Ebook design is not an oxymoron An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two antonyms appear together. Is it possible to “design” an ebook? Be a part of the Livriz community Receive the latest articles and industry insights straight to your email. Latest news Commercialization NFT is also a matter of publishers and readers. With the emergence of the metaverse and the growth of the digital art market, NFTs loom large in publishers’ conversations. eBooks Kindle devices will accept ebooks in ePub format Amazon’s Kindle store is a major seller of e-books and the ePub format is the most widely used. Popular We were present at the V Congress of Dyslexia and other AEDs On October 21 and 22 we were present at the V Congress of Dyslexia and other ASD, accompanying DISFAM Commercialization Metadata sells books Every time you go online to buy a book, you see metadata. Almost everything you see, is metadata. Load more Livriz Print Choose your format, quote instantly, upload your PDFs, and receive your printed book wherever you want.
Commercialization NFT is also a matter of publishers and readers. With the emergence of the metaverse and the growth of the digital art market, NFTs loom large in publishers’ conversations.
eBooks Kindle devices will accept ebooks in ePub format Amazon’s Kindle store is a major seller of e-books and the ePub format is the most widely used.
Popular We were present at the V Congress of Dyslexia and other AEDs On October 21 and 22 we were present at the V Congress of Dyslexia and other ASD, accompanying DISFAM
Commercialization Metadata sells books Every time you go online to buy a book, you see metadata. Almost everything you see, is metadata.